Keeping Our Communities Safe

We all like to believe our homes, schools, and workplaces are safe. We trust policy makers to strengthen fire and electrical safety codes and adopt the latest advancements. But that’s not always what happens.

Phoenix Society brings the survivor’s voice to the importance of fire safety and the lifelong impact of a burn.


believe government should be held accountable for keeping codes up-to-date


spent by the housing industry in the last decade to prevent code adoption

4 min

to escape a fire in a modern home (17 min for a legacy home)

Burn survivors have a big role to play.

By sharing their stories, burn survivor advocates make a crucial difference. Phoenix Advocates are trained to testify in hearings and media on the local, state, and national level. In 2018 alone, we made an impact in 14 states.

Join the Movement 

Safety + Prevention Resources

A Win for Fire Sprinklers

In 2018, we succeeded in getting the fire sprinkler tax incentive included in the national tax code. Now, small business owners can afford to sprinkler their properties and keep their communities safe.

Join the Movement

Your voice is powerful. Help us lift the burn community even higher, all around the world.

Our Partners in Prevention