
What is a Z-Plasty and How Will It Help My Burn Recovery?

Written by Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors on December 08, 2022

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If you have suffered a serious burn injury, you may have scars that you would like to improve or remove entirely. Scars can have a significant impact on someone's self-confidence and self-esteem. If the scar is tight, it could even restrict the movement of the skin, hampering your mobility. That is where scar revision surgery could help you. The Z-Plasty technique is frequently used for scar revision following severe burn injuries. In this article, we’ll explore what it is, and how it can help your recovery. 


Diagram courtesy of Semantic Scholar:

What is a Z-Plasty Surgery? 

Z-plasty surgery is one type of local tissue rearrangement that surgeons utilize. The type of tissue rearrangement is what gives the different names. The purpose of a z-plasty is to elongate the scar, thus reducing tension. For a Z-plasty, an incision is made along the length of the scar. Diagonal incisions are made crossing this line. The length and angle of these diagonal incisions determines the amount of elongation that is achieved.  

Plastic Surgeons are not the only surgeons that do z-plasty. Burn surgeons also do them. It is important to know how much experience the surgeon has with burn scars. 

How Can It Help Burn Scars and Contractures? 

Z-Plasty surgery can help treat scars and contractures because it can improve both the functional and cosmetic appearance of the scars themselves. The goal of the procedure is to elongate to reduce tension. The reduction in tension improves mobility, giving the perception that it is creating better alignment.When you initially heal following a burn injury, the scar might not be in the same alignment as the natural skin folds of your body. When you move, you could feel the scar tug and pull, constantly reminding you that the scar is there. It could restrict your movement and cause mild discomfort. Z-Plasty surgery can “release” the tension, giving you more freedom of movement. 

What Is the Recovery Time of a Typical Z-Plasty Surgery? 

The scar will heal within one to two weeks; however, the wound closure itself does not achieve maximal strength until approximately six weeks. Some of the factors that will dictate the recovery time include: 

  • Size and number of incisions that have to be made.  

  • The degree of swelling and redness that develops following the procedure.  

  • Your past medical history or other complications, which may increase your recovery time. 

  • Your age. Younger people tend to heal faster than their elderly counterparts.  

It is important to also note that following your procedure, you will likely need to return to your surgeon’s office for follow-up visits to determine proper recovery timelines. 

What Are the Benefits and Risks of a Z-Plasty Surgery? 

There are several significant benefits of Z-Plasty surgery. They may include: 

  • Reduction of visibility of scars: the Z-Plasty may help the cosmetic appearance of the scar, improving its overall look. 

  • Reduction of the scar’s tension: you might not feel as much tug and pull on your natural skin folds. 

  • Short surgery time: you should not have to worry about spending hours in the operating room.  

  • Reduction of the scars itch: Z-Plasty surgery may address extreme itching. 

Whenever you go into the operating room, there are possible risks. For example, a Z-Plasty surgery carries with it possible infection and excessive bleeding. Another potential complication is that parts of the skin flap may not survive due to a lack of blood supply or too much tension. The tips of the flaps are most at risk. That is why the larger the flap, the more the risk for the wound healing and flap survival. The plastic surgeon will take all the necessary precautions to minimize the chances of any complications or side effects.

If you have suffered a serious burn injury, a Z-Plasty procedure could be right for you. We at Phoenix Society strive to provide all burn survivors with access to resources that can help you improve your overall quality of life.

Watch the Phoenix Society Engage Series To Learn More 

You do not have to go through the recovery process alone. We have a variety of resources available, and we encourage you to watch our Engage Series today! If you have questions or concerns, we are always available to help.