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Tony Gonzalez

Board of Directors - Member

Burn Survivor

Tony Gonzalez has been an active member of the Phoenix Society community for over two decades. He sustained third-degree burns on 95 percent of his body in 1997 – and in 1999, Tony attended his first Phoenix World Burn Congress, which he attributes to helping him over social hurdles as a survivor.

Along with attending every conference since 1999, Tony is also an active Phoenix SOAR Peer Supporter and Coordinator at the Loyola University Medical Center. He is a trained Phoenix Advocate and was awarded the Phoenix Society Breslau Award in 2009. Since then, Tony has represented Phoenix Society as part of the Never Alone Campaign and attended the first Face Equality Forum in London in 2019. As a co-chair of the Never Alone Campaign, Tony helped raised which raised $6.5 million, the largest amount in Phoenix Society history.