
Indira Husic: How I Found Self-Love

Written by Indira Husic on November 24, 2019

Survivor Stories

Bosnian native, Indira Husic, was injured at 6 months old when hot coffee spilled on her. At 33, she revealed her scars for the first time and became an advocate for self-love.

#BurnsAreBeautiful: How I Found Self Love

by Indira Husic

“Love makes the world go around” is something we all hear but don’t always practice. Our individual journeys can fog our sight and prevent us from truly seeing the love around us — or more importantly, within us.

It wasn’t until my 100% devotion to myself that I recognized that the love within me made my world go around.

There are number of ways to create a relationship with yourself, and I did it by challenging myself in ways I didn’t think were possible. Here's how I accomplished self-love and self-respect:

1. I ran a marathon

Physical and mental challenge. After months of hard work, you grow admiration and respect for your own body — despite your burns and scars. You see what your body is capable of. The strong machine that it is. I was so focused on my overall being and the control I had when running, my scars became less visible to me.


2. I went on adventures

The biggest gift I’ve ever given myself was traveling to some amazing countries and different cultures. I learned that, even with my burns, I still had a better life than a lot of people around the world. It was a slap in a face for me. Here I was, crying about my burns when many struggle to put food on the table. A 14 day trek to Mt. Everest Base Camp is what sealed it all for me. No cell phones, no TV, no showers, few options for food, sleeping in the cold, and long days of walking in high altitudes. This experience is something I’ll never forget. I call it Soul Awakening with breathtaking views. 

3. I set boundaries

I sat down and wrote a list of things I did not like in my life and things I did. Don’t be afraid to say no. Surround yourself with people who build you up and appreciate you for you.

4. I practiced self-care

Take care of your health and hygiene. Treat your body for what it is: the only body you’ll ever get. I watched my diet and focused on good nutrition. I also started caring more about fashion, not for others but for myself. I started to enjoy it. I feel good when I am nicely dressed, and I love accessorizing my burns. 

5. I forgave myself

I can’t change what happened to me or change how I reacted to bullies in the past. But I have accepted it as part of my growth. Part of the one and only unique me. The good and the bad —all of it — is me. 

Regardless of how you chose to reconnect with yourself, the self-love you are looking for is there. Put down all your distractions, stare out the window and listen to your soul.
