
Different Forms of Healing: Therapy and Coaching

Written by James Bosch, LMFT and Cindy Rutter, BSN, AMFT on December 11, 2019

Getting Quality Treatment
Integrative Healing
Peer Support Resources

Often after a tragic event in our lives, things just don’t naturally settle back to how they were before. These events can often become even more challenging if we had emotional trials in our lives before. There are many roads to healing, and usually, the hardest part is taking the first big step of asking for help! Many of us just can’t do it alone.

In this article, three types of help of are outlined; Therapy, Life Coaching, and Peer Support.


What is psychotherapy? There are many different forms and styles of psychotherapy based on the training and orientation of the therapist. Psychotherapy is sometimes called “talk-therapy.” When a person is struggling with an emotional or psychological issue, and they go to a licensed professional to “talk” about this issue and receive tools to cope, this is considered talk-therapy. But there is so much more going on in the sessions than just talking and there are many types of therapy that rely less on talking and more on the body, exercises, and education.

The key component that makes therapy work is the relationship between the patient and the therapist. This relationship is also unique because the cornerstone is confidentiality and an unspoken agreement that the therapist “will do no harm.” Carl Rodgers, the famous relational psychotherapist, called this unique way of holding a safe and healing space for the patient, unconditional positive regard. (Rogers in a 1957 article published in the Journal of Consulting Psychology). 

 Unlike other relationships we may have with family and friends, the therapist has no invested interest in changing the client and no personal ties into their story. The trust between a client and therapist is essential in the healing from trauma, where the outside world has become an unsafe place. Once the trust is established in the therapeutic relationship, then the client and therapist can get down to the task of seeing what tools are needed to address the issues keeping the client from living the life they want to live. 

Some of the therapeutic modalities are cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and acceptance commitment therapy (ACT). CBT helps us change our cognitive distortions and negative messages that hinder our healing, DBT brings in the important concept of mindfulness and emotional regulation, and ACT helps us accept our irrational thoughts as not real and examine our values. Narrative therapy helps externalize our emotions and challenges us to  create new stories in our lives. Many somatic therapy models help address the trauma stored in the body that is often not expressible or connected to words and thoughts.

Another type of therapy is EMDR or Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing. It is a therapeutic model developed originally to treat war vets who had posttraumatic stress disorder or PTSD. EMDR brings together the thoughts, emotions, and body sensations. Using a process of carefully placed cues by the therapists and bilateral-stimulation, the brain is able to reprocess and become less controlled by the trauma responses (fight, flight, freeze and dissociate).

Many therapists use a combination of techniques, yet the most important element is finding someone you are willing to trust. I like to think of it as someone you will allow to hold the flashlight and accompany you to those dark, scary places that are holding you back in life. 

Learn more about choosing a therapist here – if you are in need of additional support or assistance, please contact Phoenix Society

Different Forms of Healing Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors part two

Life Coach

What is a life coach? Life coaching is a profession that is very different from therapy, consulting, mentoring or advice giving. A life coach is responsible for guiding people that are confused about what to do in their lives. They support goal-setting, personal growth, and behavior modification of their clients.  A life coach can help you tap into your full potential.  

While each of the important people in your life plays a significant role in your happiness, a life coach can provide unique value by helping to mirror your true self, unjudged by the values, thoughts, and views of another person. The coach's key role is often is assisting the client in maintaining the motivation and commitment needed to achieve their goals. Life coaches are not therapists, and they do not work on past based issues or trauma. Life coaches focus on the present and the client’s goals for the future.

The coaching process addresses specific personal projects, general conditions, and transitions in the client’s personal life, including relationships or professions. By examining what is going on currently in a client’s life, a life coach discovers what the challenges might be and chooses a course of action to make life be what is desired. The coaching relationship continually gives all the control back to the client.

The purpose of coaching is to help the client gain clarity about what they want, improve confidence, overcome obstacles, fears and insecurities, implement goals and recognize the possibilities for life.  This involves either enhancing current skills or acquiring new skills. Once the client successfully acquires new skills, the coach is no longer needed. A good coach offers support and assistance to those he or she is coaching to help them implement change and achieve desired goals. Professional development is a team effort. 

Many people wonder whether they would benefit from coaching, psychotherapy or counseling. Coaching and therapy serve two distinct purposes but there is a fair amount of overlap, so it can be confusing. Both create a positive, healing environment that can be a catalyst for change. Coaches and therapists are trained in understanding human behavior and motivation. Both help clients set and achieve their goals. 

Below you will see the distinct differences in Coaching and Therapy:


  • Focuses on both the past and the present

  • Therapy can help heal wounds from the past

  • Treats a mental health or substance abuse problem (which includes everything from severe issues such as PTSD to minor, short-term issues such as adjustment disorders)

  • Because therapy treats mental health or substance abuse problems, it may be covered by insurance and health savings accounts

  • Providers are licensed and regulated by the state, which helps insure proper training and ethical and legal standards are followed

  • Unfortunately, there is a stigma for many individuals, cultures, and families in seeking psychotherapy or counseling

  • Confidentiality (with certain limitations) is protected by law


  • Focuses on setting and achieving goals in the present and future (doesn’t deal with the past)

  • Coaching does not involve a mental health diagnosis

  • Coaching helps mentally well people function at a higher level

  • Typicalluy Is NOT covered by insurance or health savings accounts

  • There is no licensing or particular training or credential required to work as a coach

  • Coaches often work online as they aren’t limited to working within a state-issued license like a therapist

  • Generally, more acceptance of coaching, less stigma

  • Confidentiality not protected by law

So, which would best meet your needs? If you know that you have a diagnosed mental health problem such as depression or anxiety, therapy is probably the better choice, at least initially. On the other hand, if you’re looking for focused help in reaching specific goals in the present, then a coach would be a great choice. Coaching tends to focus on the present and future rather than the past. Coaches help people identify their goals and the obstacles they are facing. Like therapy, coaching involves guidance and support but also places a great deal of emphasis on accountability, enabling people to do more than they might on their own.


Cooper, M, O'Hara, M, Schmid, PF, & Bohart, AC. The Handbook of Person-Centered Psychotherapy & Counseling. New York: Palgrave Macmillan; 2013.

Lilienfeld, S. O., & Arkowitz, H. (2012). Are All Psychotherapies Created Equal? Scientific American Mind, 23(4). 

About the Authors:

James Bosch was burn injured as an infant. He has dedicated much of his professional life in the service of helping other burn survivors and their families heal and find meaning after a burn. Acceptance of new life, new body, and finding new meaning are at the core of his work. He speaks and facilitates at burn meetings in Canada and the United States. He has a private practice and telemedicine practice in California.

Cindy Rutter has been an advocate for Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors and involved in the burn community for more than 30 years. She recently completed her masters degree to become a marriage and family therapist. Cindy has been a burn survivor for 57 years and is the former nurse manager of the burn unit in San Diego.