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Breslau Society Spotlight: George Pessotti

Written on June 11, 2021

George Pessotti’s journey with Phoenix Society first began just 70 days after his burn injury in 1979 when Alan Breslau visited him in the hospital. Over the years, George has shared his story at countless Phoenix World Burn Congress events as a keynote speaker, Phoenix advocate, Phoenix SOAR (Survivors Offering Assistance in Recovery) peer supporter, past board member, and through open mics. He shares his story knowing that his voice is part of a movement that will inspire someone else in their journey.

Now, as we remember the life and legacy of Alan Breslau, George continues to reflect on the transformational impact that his relationship with Alan had on him. He recalls that first visit, when the nurse asked him if he wanted to meet another burn survivor. George didn’t realize that saying “yes” in that early moment of his recovery would change the course of his life.

Meeting Alan was the best medicine I could have ever received, because it gave me HOPE. He told me that helping others would bring a deeper purpose and meaning to heal my soul.

George Pessotti

George discovered that his emotional recovery had a tremendous impact on his physical healing. HOPE is now his personal motto: “Helping Other People Excel.”

Through a planned gift to Phoenix Society he has cemented his legacy through his life-changing impact on future generations of the burn community as it carries Alan’s vision forward. As a Retirement Planning Specialist, George also knows first-hand how simple it is to add language to a will or to add Phoenix Society as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, retirement plan, or IRA.

In honor of Alan, the Breslau Society recognizes individuals like George who have included Phoenix Society in their estate plans. We hope the generosity of these exceptional people will inspire others.

A planned gift of any size can leave a lasting legacy that will improve the lives of burn survivors for years to come.

Are you in?

A movement is greater than one person, but one person can make a big difference. Learn more about how you can support Phoenix Society with a planned gift.